ESReDA 2025 DMAD working group

ESReDA 2025

Date: January 21stt, 2025

Place of celebration: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Calle José Gutiérrez Abascal 2 – 28006 (Madrid)

Information: Last January 21st, 2025, the «Digital Maintenance and Asset Digitalization» (DMAD) working group of ESReDA held a meeting. This meeting was sponsored by the Spanish National Research Agency project DIGEST (PID-2022137748OB).

The meeting was attended by key figures from companies such as Ayesa, Enagás, and Iberdrola, among others.

The group addressed various initiatives, including reviewing and validating the roadmap for digitized maintenance management presented by Professor A. Crespo Márquez and developed within the framework of IMA.

Additionally, initiatives were discussed such as the creation of an Open Source Community (OSC) within ESReDA with contributions from DIGEST. The project had identified the suitability of such a platform to enhance asset management and the development, comparison, and validation of reliability, wear, or asset health models. This would be achieved through repositories of data, models, and platforms, with themes well-defined within the field of interest.



In connection with this OSC, the first steps have been taken to describe the integration with BIM geometry and the integration with Large Language Models (Agentic IA). These models would probabilistically evaluate broader contexts than those of specialized Deep Learning or Deep Transfer Learning models.

Roles and responsibilities were also established within the working group to allow for a more distributed management of the different actions. Additionally, a preliminary schedule of activities and commitments was created.