Amir Farmanesh joins DIGEST

IT Technician recruited for DIGEST


Date: July 30th 2024

Place: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII) of UPM, Madrid, Spain

Information: By this date Amir has accepted to join the Team supporting the technical activities of the research.

The project «Digitalization as Key Enabler for Asset Management» (DIGEST) is pleased to welcome Amir Farmanesh as a new IT technician contract. This support aims to foster the research being performed in line with the objectives of the project.

Amir Farmanesh has a distinguished academic background, having completed both his graduate studies at the Universidad Carlos III (Master of Management) as well as in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Master in Software). He has a multicultural perspective but also oustanding IT knowledge in software, designing apps, web services, etc.

Currently, Amir has enroled himself as a PhD candidate in Industrial Engineering Management, within the same prestigious institution. Welcome again Amir.